Bootstrapping a powerpc64 vs. pkg vs. base/gcc (via cross compiles)

Mark Millard markmi at
Wed Nov 9 12:37:57 UTC 2016

I really wish that TARGET_ARCH=powerpc64 had a tiny package repository
with one item: pkg itself so that a standard bootstrap for pkg would work.


A) pkg on the target needs to be built by a C/C++ compiler toolchain
   as things are.

B) /usr/ports/base/gcc usage for getting a compiler toolchain on the target
   works by putting a .txz file in place for use via pkg add <THAT-.txz-FILE> 
   in the target environment.

A similar point would go for TARGET_ARCH=powerpc .

(Part of the issue is that clang/clang++ in 3.8.0 and even 3.9.0 so far
is not yet appropriate for general use for powerpc64 or for powerpc, such
as incorrect code generation --and ABI violations for powerpc. FreeBSD's
3.9.0 experiment still has a couple of the llvm fixes not in place and
llvm does not have everything fixed yet.)

Mark Millard
markmi at

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