ctfconvert broken for C++ objects?

Justin T. Gibbs gibbs at FreeBSD.org
Fri Feb 21 22:48:05 UTC 2014

On Feb 20, 2014, at 10:26 AM, Roman Divacky <rdivacky at freebsd.org> wrote:

> The dwarf backend for ctfconvert was completely reimplemented a few weeks ago.
> It's now based on elftoolchain libdwarf.
> Test on current.

The failures I’ve experienced occur when attempting to ctfconvert the C++ code in the base (e.g. ATF or devd).  You can replicate the failures on head by applying the share/mk patch below (a version of my previous patch rebased on head).

On a slightly related node, do you know why there is a FreeBSD version ranged exclusion around bootstrapping the dtrace tools?

From src/Makefile.inc1:
# dtrace tools are required for older bootstrap env and cross-build              
.if ${MK_CDDL} != "no" && \                                                      
    ((${BOOTSTRAPPING} < 1000034 && \                                            
          !(${BOOTSTRAPPING} >= 901505 && ${BOOTSTRAPPING} < 999999)) \          
      || (${MACHINE} != ${TARGET} || ${MACHINE_ARCH} != ${TARGET_ARCH}))         
_dtrace_tools= cddl/usr.bin/sgsmsg cddl/lib/libctf lib/libelf \                  
    lib/libdwarf cddl/usr.bin/ctfconvert cddl/usr.bin/ctfmerge                   

We had to disable this protection in our build so that the fixes to the dtrace tool chain took effect prior to compiling any C++ code during buildworld.

In testing this on head, I also found that 9-stable’s g++ segfaulted when bootstrapping clang, so I had to buildworld using 9-stable’s clang to get past the bootstrap phase.  (By 9-stable, I mean a 9-stable tree from October/November from last year).


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