patch to add AES intrinsics to gcc

David Chisnall theraven at
Fri Aug 23 12:56:17 UTC 2013

On 23 Aug 2013, at 13:26, Andriy Gapon <avg at> wrote:

> On the other hand these tools are perfect for building FreeBSD kernel and base.
> Extrapolating my experience with base GCC I am very confident in it as a
> FreeBSD development tool.
> Extrapolating my experience with Clang I am not yet confident in it as a
> FreeBSD development tool.

Nathan has already dealt with this.

> I do not care about C11, C++11 and modern C++ codebases.  I care about what's
> in /usr/src and what gets compiled by buildkernel/buildworld.  That's just me,
> of course.  But, OTOH, those who care modern C++ codebases should be perfectly
> capable to install a compiler from ports or switch to clang as their default
> compiler.

So you don't want a working debugger?  Our gdb doesn't work at all on MIPS and barely works with code compiled with clang or a recent gcc.  We are planning on importing LLDB soon (Ed Maste has been working on it, funded by the FreeBSD Foundation), and it is a C++11 code base.  It will not build with our gcc or with our libstdc++ (and, in fact, since it uses the LLVM libraries, will require LLVM in base to link libc++). 

Or perhaps you don't care about flattened device trees.  The device tree compiler that we have in base is written in C++ and contains numerous occurrences of ugly code to make it work with old compilers.  I will be very happy to remove a load of hacks once C++11 support is available in the base system (not for 10.0, as dtc is used on a lot of tier 2 archs where gcc is still default).


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