Fingerpointing about broken Ada tasking starting with FreeBSD 9.0 threading

Konstantin Belousov kostikbel at
Fri Jul 20 16:32:13 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 06:28:44PM +0200, John Marino wrote:
> On 7/20/2012 17:08, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> >
> >There is no big picture unless you take the time to diagnose what
> >is happening.   There is a bug somewhere.  Talking about "big
> >picture" doesn't mean anything.
> >
> >The bug could be due to any of the reasons you described, or due
> >to other reasons.  What needs to be done is some investigation into
> >what is triggering the bug and then determine if it's a bug, false
> >positive, corruption or something else.
> I agree, and I'll try.  What I was trying to get at is *if* the problem 
> really is with FreeBSD, there should be more than just me looking into 
> it given the implications of what that would mean.  The worst case 
> scenario is that this is 100% a FreeBSD problem, and that would have 
> some fallout.  In my previous work, we had to map out every possibility 
> and plan for it -- we didn't have the luxury of determining the fault 
> and then coming up with a plan.  That mentality is carrying over probably.
> >
> >It sounds like you're advocating for just removing an assertion without
> >proving it's a false positive.  I don't think that will work out 
> >unfortunately.
> >
> Not at all, but there was a serious consequence of this assertion and 
> it's not a pre-production assertion either. I don't have any 
> preconceived notion of the cause of the fault nor the solution.  My mind 
> is wide open at this point.

FYI, this problem is supposedly fixed by r238637, as much as I can judge
based on your description and commit itself.
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