threads/84778: libpthread busy loop/hang with Java when handling signals and Runtime.exec

freebsd at freebsd at
Tue Dec 6 15:20:19 PST 2005

The following reply was made to PR threads/84778; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: freebsd at
To: bug-followup at
Cc: freebsd-java at
Subject: Re: threads/84778: libpthread busy loop/hang with Java when handling
 signals and Runtime.exec
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 15:16:16 -0800 (PST)

 Another bit of information of interest: sending the process a kill -stop 
 (-17) after trying to stop it with ^Z *will* cause the process to stop.
 Sending it a kill -stop without hitting ^Z will also cause the process to 
 stop normally.
 In either case, however, resuming from the shell with fg will cause the 
 same infinite-loop behaviour.  Resuming with a kill -19 will also cause 
 the infinite-loop behaviour.
 Sending a regular kill signal also causes the infinite-loop behaviour. 
 The process has to be killed with a kill -9 in all cases once this 
 behaiour starts.
 "The aptly-named is an obscenity-laced screed..."
  	-- Robert P. Lockwood, Catholic League director of research
 Nick Johnson, version 2.1                   

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