Why is MySQL nearly twice as fast on Linux?

Daniel Eischen eischen at vigrid.com
Mon May 24 08:29:56 PDT 2004

On Mon, 24 May 2004, Chris Elsworth wrote:

> Please consider all the InnoDB results just posted as void and
> replaced with the following:

So to summarize in one place:

Run: super-smack-1.2# src/super-smack smacks/select-key.smack 4 100000

  DBType  Query_type      num_queries  max_time  min_time q_per_s
  MyISAM  select_index    800000       0          0       22063.58
  InnoDB  select_index    800000       0          0       22509.05

Run: super-smack-1.2# src/super-smack smacks/update-select_i.smack 4 100000
     (innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 0)

  DBType  Query_type      num_queries  max_time  min_time q_per_s
  MyISAM  select_index    400000       0         0        8296.32
          update_index    400000       0         0        8296.32
  InnoDB  select_index    400000       0         0        8473.54
          update_index    400000       0         0        8473.54

In otherwords you see very little gain when switching from MyISAM
to InnoDB tables in (native) Linux.

Any chance of doing the same on FreeBSD?

Where is super-smack?  Is it a port?

Dan Eischen

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