Why is MySQL nearly twice as fast on Linux?

Thomas Hurst tom.hurst at clara.net
Sun May 23 10:35:32 PDT 2004

* JG (amd64list at jpgsworld.com) wrote:

> ... But I wish I knew how he ran super-smack, those numbers are
> insane.

Nothing special:

  super-smack smacks/select-key.smack 4 1000

Or so; change the number of clients and iterations to taste; you'll note
performance does improve slightly with more clients up to the number of
CPU's and then drops slowly as you add more, with system load apparantly
not increasing a whole lot; I'm not even sure it got past 50% most of
the time, despite there being plenty of active clients.

It'd be interesting to see this comparison with PgSQL; super-smack
supports it, and as a preforking database server it might do better on

Thomas 'Freaky' Hurst  -  freaky at aagh.net  -  http://www.aagh.net/

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