MySQL and libpthread

Ganbold ganbold at
Tue Apr 20 02:53:26 PDT 2004


I patched mysql with Daniel Eischen's patch that makes it use scope process 
Also I'm using SCHED_4BSD scheduler and now mysql behaves much better.
Mysql with libpthread runs without any crash since April 16th.
I have cvs sources from April 16th and mysql-4.0.18 from ports.


At 08:23 PM 20.04.2004, you wrote:

>I haven't had time to fully track it down yet, but FYI I've found that
>MySQL and libpthread don't seem to get along well for me; with sources
>from april 12th and mysql 4.1 from ports, mysqld just seems to hang for
>long periods of time, and is unkillable.  When I libmap it to libthr or
>libc_r, all is well.
>The test I was running was simply mysql's included benchmark suite, using
>local socket connections to mysql.  If one of the libpthread developers
>can not reproduce this behavior, I'll try more tests later in the week to
>see if I can pin it down more.
>Mike "Silby" Silbersack
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