pthread_mutex_trylock() should never block

Igor Sysoev is at
Sat Dec 6 09:51:44 PST 2003

The current pthread_mutex_trylock() implementation in both libpthread (libkse)
and libthr can block if mutex is locked by another thread.

libphtread calls THR_LOCK_ACQUIRE() and it can be blocked.  

libthr's pthread_mutex_trylock() is too heavy - it calls 3 syscalls:
sigprocmask()/umtx_lock()/sigprocmask() and can be blocked too.

SUSv2 states:
[ ]

The function pthread_mutex_trylock() is identical to pthread_mutex_lock()
except that if the mutex object referenced by mutex is currently locked
(by any thread, including the current thread), the call returns immediately.

[ ... ]

The pthread_mutex_trylock() function will fail if:

    The mutex could not be acquired because it was already locked.

[ ... ]

The pthread_mutex_lock() function may fail if:

    The current thread already owns the mutex.

Igor Sysoev

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