Scope system threads (was Re: PS_BLOCKED)

Daniel Eischen eischen at
Wed Apr 9 11:28:25 PDT 2003

On Wed, 9 Apr 2003, Craig Rodrigues wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 09, 2003 at 11:19:43AM -0400, Daniel Eischen wrote:
> > Did you look at my patches to see if there are any others that
> > should be submitted?
> I never saw your patches before, but from the looks of things,
> most of what you have I already incorporated in previous patches
> plus I have made a lot more fixes.  There are actually *TONS*
> of FreeBSD fixes in the latest ACE that are not in 5.2.
> I am only missing a few small things from your patch like -lkse.

Yep, I just downloaded 5.3.1.  Note that it isn't listed anywhere
I can see as 5.3.1, but if you pull down the beta version, that
seems to be 5.3.1.

> If you create a new patch based on the latest ACE, I'll see what I can
> do about getting it into the ACE cvs repository.

I built it just fine without modifying anything except -lkse.
You don't even need to change that if you just install libkse
as, but I'd rather test out libkse in small pieces
than to have kde blow up in my face :-).

> I should modify my instructions for building ACE, since they are not
> complete. 
> To build ACE:
> - get ACE 5.3.1 from
> - extract the ACE package, everything will be under an ACE_wrappers
>   directory
> - set the ACE_ROOT environment variable to: {full path}/ACE_wrappers
> - create a file $ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h with one line:
>   #include "ace/config-freebsd.h"

I just link config.h to config-freebsd.h.

> - create a file $ACE_ROOT/include/makeinclude/platform_macros.GNU with one line:
>   include $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_freebsd.GNU

Same here.

> - cd $ACE_ROOT
> - gmake

And it all seems to build fine.

Dan Eischen

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