compiling parts of kernel in userland

K. Macy kmacy at
Thu Jun 11 06:56:31 UTC 2015

On Jun 10, 2015 11:53 PM, "Garrett Cooper" <yaneurabeya at> wrote:
> (Adding -testing because this pertains to testing)
> On Jun 10, 2015, at 23:48, K. Macy <kmacy at> wrote:
> > I started work on something I called libukern which allows you to run
> > essentially all non platform code in user adding a PCI passthrough
> > so one can run unmodified drivers in user. Libuinet is great as far as
> > goes, but it's just the network stack. If you want something other than
> > just networking you'll have to do something else.
> If I had enough time and interest I’d look at investing my efforts in
porting RUMP from NetBSD to FreeBSD and going about it that route, but I’m
busy with other efforts so I can’t dedicate my time here yet. It seems like
RUMP is the direction we should be going in…

I looked at that first before starting a predecessor to uinet. You'll just
have to trust me: no, it's not.


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