bin/164281: bsdinstall(8): please allow sysinstall as installer option

Nathan Whitehorn nwhitehorn at
Sun May 25 16:27:15 UTC 2014

On 04/23/14 16:02, Kurt Lidl wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 03:24:56PM -0700, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
>> On 04/23/14 15:23, Kurt Lidl wrote:
>>> On 4/23/14 5:12 PM, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
>>>> On 04/23/14 13:50, Allan Jude wrote:
>>>>> I had big ideas for the ZFS part of the installer, to extend it further
>>>>> to allow multi-way mirrors and customizing the dataset layout.
>>>> That's nice to hear. Hopefully you can integrate it into the regular
>>>> partition editor too. It's about to grow support for setting EFI systems
>>>> and duplicating that logic around would be unfortunate.
>>> Hmm, I've got some kinda ugly (but functional) support for doing
>>> creating zpools from the disk partitioning editor.  Anybody interested
>>> in the patches?
>>> -Kurt
>> Yes, please! Allan, maybe we could set up a branch for this?
> OK, here's a slightly editted diff from fbsd-stable9 to my tree.
> I stripped out a little hardware specific code that diddles the
> swap space size - it's not really generically useful to people.
> Hopefully I didn't mess up the diff when I took that out.
> A couple of notes:  I unconditionally setup a 4K gnop when
> creating the zfs zpool.  It's kludgey, but I don't think it is
> possible to get that effect through a command line option (yet).
> Certainly if you want it to do this on freebsd-9 or freebsd-10
> there's no command line way to do it.
> The fstab that gets created for a zpool based system has a
> commented out entry for / -- I have other mods in some of the
> related scripts to key off that and "do the right thing" for
> my purposes.  This could be improved.
> Finally, I took a stab at supporting ZFS booting on sparcs.
> There's a comment in there about the actual "dd" command that
> needs to be done to make this fly.  I didn't do it.  I think
> a general "installbootcode" command that could be built and
> applied (similar to the way I built the gnop command) could
> be made to work for doing this.  I'd really like this to
> "just work" on sparcs too...
> I didn't add any copyright to this mods, I don't know if the
> changes deserve a mention or not.
> -Kurt

I'm (finally) integrating these patches now. Could you remind me what 
the point of the gnop is? I'm not sure I get it.

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