bin/164281: bsdinstall(8): please allow sysinstall as installer option

Allan Jude freebsd at
Wed Apr 23 20:50:54 UTC 2014

On 2014-04-23 16:27, Allen Landsidel wrote:
> On 4/23/2014 14:13, dteske at wrote:
>> As I continue the lay the ground-work for a bsdinstall that is superior
>> to sysinstall, do I split my time amongst that task and provision a new
>> task of migrating sysinstall toward resurrection with the afore-
>> mentioned fixes?
> I think it depends on whichever path gets us to a 'nice' installer the
> quickest.  The end result should be the same and I can't see how it
> matters which one is used as a base.  Splitting coding time between
> the two just sounds silly unless the goal is to keep both alive
> indefinitely.
> My gut says to start with sysinstall and refactor it to abstract out
> interfaces to the stuff that needs replaced, then do the underlying
> replacement.  I only say this because getting 100% feature coverage
> (and testing of those features) into bsdinstall is going to be pretty
> labor intensive vs. refactoring sysinstall and leaving all the
> features in place.
> Of course that undermines all the work you've already done on bsdinstall.
> The UX is one of the things that's really terrible in bsdinstall vs.
> sysinstall, and if that's libdialogs fault, I'm skeptical that this is
> the right path to begin with.  A simple example is the disk
> partitioning interface, which seems to have taken a step backwards
> even in bsdinstall itself from FreeBSD 9 to 10.  The break between
> when you use the tab key vs. arrow keys is obnoxious.  For that
> matter, so is the removal of the historical default partitioning
> scheme for a new linuxy "one big root" default, but I'm getting a bit
> off topic and may even predate bsdinstall.  I can't remember.
>> So to help answer the question of prioritization (given that demand
>> still exists for sysinstall), I think the best way to guide us is a
>> Wiki.
>> I recommend that we develop a f.o Wiki that we can all edit to
>> contain our partiticular misgiving of bsdinstall versus sysinstall.
> It's worth a shot.  If you want to set it up, send a link and I'll
> find some time to rant into it.
>> That being said... with respect to the actual PR of bringing back
>> sysinstall
>> as an option... I'm not against it. In fact, seeing that someone
>> posted on
>> the PR to check-up on me, I think it's time (once 9.3 comes out) to
>> roll a
>> new Druid disk. For those that don't know... I serve sysinstall based
>> media
>> from for 9.x releases (albeit I haven't cut one since
>> 9.0).
> I didn't realize that was you.  I used druid for all my 9.x installs
> and the only reason I responded to the PR is because there wasn't one
> for 10.0, and when I installed it, I was seeing red over bsdinstall
> all over again.  I'd forgotten about it entirely until being
> confronted with it again.
>> I'll make sure to cut one for 9.3 so that people wanting sysinstall
>> can not
>> only have it, but can have the one I developed for $work which has many
>> MANY enhancements -- *cough* including the ability to install from a USB
>> thumb drive *cough*. (smiles)
> Very nice.
> I'm in a fully virtualized environment, so once I get a base system
> set up, I just clone it repeatedly and make changes to that.  This
> means I rarely am reminded of the user-unfriendly fiasco that
> installing FreeBSD has become.  Sysinstall was of course nice for
> other reasons, not least of which was a quick way to look for ports
> without digging through the web interface or make
> find+grep etc.
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sysinstall does not support GPT either.

The change to the default partitioning scheme is kind of unrelated to
the installer. Offering a button for each might be useful, but
especially in a virtualized environment, 'one big root' is better,
because you can easily grow the disk, which isn't always possible with
the many partitions setup.

What I would like to see bsdinstall get, is support for making gmirror
and geli UFS installs, it seems like a logical step after we added ZFS
(stripe, mirror, raid) with optional GELI.

I had big ideas for the ZFS part of the installer, to extend it further
to allow multi-way mirrors and customizing the dataset layout.

The advantage to bsdinstall over sysinstall is that it is mostly built
in sh, rather than C, so it is easier for us non-programmer sysadmins to

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