Freebsd 13.0-BETA*: Asus P9X79-based host not powering down

Matthieu Volat mazhe at
Tue Mar 2 06:47:19 UTC 2021


I am still using a core-i7-3820 CPU on a Asus P9X79 motherboard that works well on 13.0 BETA, except that when using "shutdown -p" or "halt" commands, the system will reboot instead of powering down.

It worked quite well for as long as I had FreeBSD on this machine (since 10 I think?) using UEFI boot and previous BIOS compatibilites disabled, I even reinstalled from scratch (mainly to have a bigger EFI partition).

Is there some acpi settings I can play around?

Thanks a lot

Matthieu Volat <mazhe at>
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