How to handle the pack files now we have switched to git?

Chris bsd-lists at
Tue Jan 5 15:58:24 UTC 2021

On 2021-01-05 03:08, Pete French wrote:
> So, for me the switch to git went very smoothly. I havent moved to etcupdate 
> yet,
> but will probably do that soon. Hopwever I did hit one issue. What I do is 
> to
> build on a single machine, and then send that to a number of places using 
> rsync.
> But what seems to happen wuth git is that it has a big pack file of objects, 
> and
> the name of the opack file is the SHA1 of whatever is inside it. So if 
> something
> chnages then the filename chnages - and thus rsync tries to move the entire 
> lot
> all over again, even if the change is tiny.
> Does anyone have a solution to this ? Currently I am telling rsync to ignore 
> .git
> when it sends the source, but am not entirely happy with that.
> But apart from that, git works fine ;)
Brilliant minds think alike. I use nearly the same routine. ;-)
Have been doing so on svn(1) as well. FWIW the only difference between 
the archive with vs without the .git. Is that getting the details of what rev
the source is at will not be available without the .git. Same on svn.
For me this is only a minor inconvenience. To help overcome this in the past.
I issued a 'svn info /usr/src >./SRC-REV'. Then simply passed that file along
to the receiving host(s).
OTOH it won't be (easily) possible to "up" the repo(s) from the receiving 
w/o the .git.


> -pete.
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