How to handle the pack files now we have switched to git?

Pete French petefrench at
Tue Jan 5 11:08:57 UTC 2021

So, for me the switch to git went very smoothly. I havent moved to 
etcupdate yet, but will probably do that soon. Hopwever I did hit one 
issue. What I do is to build on a single machine, and then send that to 
a number of places using rsync.

But what seems to happen wuth git is that it has a big pack file of 
objects, and the name of the opack file is the SHA1 of whatever is 
inside it. So if something chnages then the filename chnages - and thus 
rsync tries to move the entire lot all over again, even if the change is 

Does anyone have a solution to this ? Currently I am telling rsync to 
ignore .git when it sends the source, but am not entirely happy with that.

But apart from that, git works fine ;)


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