URGENT: Microsoft overwrites boot loader!

Karl Denninger karl at denninger.net
Thu Jul 16 21:18:02 UTC 2020

On 7/16/2020 16:28, Alan Somers wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 2:20 PM Don Wilde <dwilde1 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> The [deleted] ones in Redmond have done it again. My multi-OS GRUB2 boot
>> loader is gone, and in its place is a 500M partition called 'Windows
>> boot loader'.
>> The purpose is to force us to look at MS' new version of Edge. All my
>> old boot files are gone.
>> It's taken me much of the morning to get underneath this, since on this
>> unit my only OS (other than Doze 10) with a WM and GUI is Ubuntu.
>> That's the last time I will allow this, and I'm calling those [deleted]s
>> tomorrow to give them a piece of my mind. After that I will erase every
>> vestige of that obscene OS from my disk.
>> --
>> Don Wilde
>> ****************************************************
>> * What is the Internet of Things but a system      *
>> * of systems including humans?                     *
>> ****************************************************
> Edge?  I thought that was a browser.  What does it have to do with boot
> loaders?

Microsoft does this on any of their "Feature" updates.  I managed to
figure out how to arrange my EFI setup so that all I have to do is
restore the index in the BIOS to point back at REFIND, and everything
else is still there.

But.... if you stick the FreeBSD loader where Microsoft wants to clobber
it, yeah, it'll do that.  It doesn't actually blast the partition though
-- just the single file where they want to stuff it.

Karl Denninger
karl at denninger.net <mailto:karl at denninger.net>
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