quirk in libpng16.{a|so}

Don Wilde dwilde1 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 14 18:05:31 UTC 2020

On 7/14/20 10:10 AM, yuri at freebsd.org wrote:
> On 2020-07-14 09:59, Don Wilde wrote:
>> Hi, Yuri -- I understand that you maintain the png++ "C++ wrapper for 
>> libpng"?
>> There's a game engine I'm trying to work with on my 12-stable system, 
>> called Drag[en]gine.
>> https://dragondreams.ch/
>> It's a complicated port, and I'll end up tweaking some heavy-duty 
>> OpenGL graphics to get it to do stuff for me. The first issue is that 
>> our libpng16 library is missing a C++ call: 
>> png_access_version_number(), which causes its setup program (a Python 
>> script)to crash.
>> I have both png and png++ installed and both libpng16.so and 
>> libpng16.a are present.
>> I'm in the process of (also) installing it on my Ubuntu 18.04.4 
>> machine. It hasn't given me this libpng16 issue.
>> What do you think of this problem? Is this yours or is it the actual 
>> libpng library itself?
> Hi Don,
> I used png++ on both Linux (CentOS) and FreeBSD without any problems.
> I also can't find png_access_version_number() call in the png++ sources.

Okay, this must actually be a call in the actual libpng sources.

> Could you please provide an example code that exhibits the problem?

Here's what happens, though there's evidently quite a bit of 
construction that happens in the middle.

scons is Yet Another Super-Make, and it's plus (evidently) is that it 
can also generate Android and Windows code.

I type 'scons -h', and the output is:
scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Checking for zlibVersion() in C++ library z... yes
Checking for png_access_version_number() in C++ library png16... no
KeyError: 'forceRuntimeLibs':
   File "/opt/dragengine/SConstruct", line 633:
     duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )
line 660:
     return method(*args, **kw)
line 597:
     return _SConscript(self.fs, *files, **subst_kw)
line 286:
     exec(compile(scriptdata, scriptname, 'exec'), call_stack[-1].globals)
   File "/opt/dragengine/extern/libpng/SConscript", line 120:

The SConscript files are generated from the (attached) custom.py, from 
what I understand. The error happens in the construct between lines 631 
- 633 of that attached SConscript file (which acts like Makefile does 
for C and C++).

Don Wilde
* What is the Internet of Things but a system      *
* of systems including humans?                     *

-------------- next part --------------
from SConsCommon import *
from SConsPlatformAndroid import androidUpdateEnv

# create environment
tools = ARGUMENTS.get( 'tools', '' )
if tools:
	if tools == 'mingw64':
		parent_env = Environment( CPPPATH='.', LIBPATH='.', tools=['mingw'] )
		compiler = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32'
		if not parent_env.Detect( '{}-g++'.format( compiler ) ):
			print( 'Windows 64-bit Cross-Compiler not found.' )
		parent_env.Replace( CC = '{}-gcc'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( CXX = '{}-g++'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( LD = '{}-ld'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( AR = '{}-ar'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( STRIP = '{}-strip'.format( compiler ) )
		#parent_env.Replace( MAKE = '{}-make'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( RANLIB = '{}-ranlib'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( NM = '{}-nm'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( RC = '{}-windres'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( DLLTOOL = '{}-dlltool'.format( compiler ) )
		parent_env.Replace( SHCCFLAGS = [ '$CCFLAGS' ] ) # remove -fPIC if included. just to silence misleading warnings
		parent_env.Replace( SHLIBPREFIX = '' ) # fix prefix since the environment is set up for unix
		parent_env.Replace( SHLIBSUFFIX = '.dll' ) # fix suffix since the environment is set up for unix
		parent_env.Replace( LIBPREFIX = '' ) # fix prefix since the environment is set up for unix
		parent_env.Replace( LIBPREFIXES = [ '' ] ) # fix prefix since the environment is set up for unix
		parent_env.Replace( LIBSUFFIX = '.lib' )
		parent_env.Replace( LIBSUFFIXES = [ '.lib', '.a' ] )
		parent_env[ 'OS_NAME' ] = 'win32'
		parent_env[ 'SYS_PLATFORM' ] = 'win32'
		parent_env[ 'CROSSCOMPILE_HOST' ] = compiler
		parent_env[ 'CROSSCOMPILE_SYSROOT' ] = '/usr/{}'.format( compiler )
		# prevent stdc++6 problems with missnig symbols on different compilers
		#parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-std=c++11' ] )
		#parent_env.Append( CROSSCOMPILE_CFLAGS = [ '-std=c++11' ] )
		#parent_env.Append( CROSSCOMPILE_CPPFLAGS = [ '-std=c++11' ] )
		print( '*** Using Windows 64 Cross Compiler' )
		parent_env = Environment( CPPPATH='.', LIBPATH='.', tools=[ tools ] )
		parent_env[ 'OS_NAME' ] = os.name
		parent_env[ 'SYS_PLATFORM' ] = sys.platform

elif sys.platform == 'win32':
	print( 'Windows detected. Setting up MinGW64 toolchain' )
	parent_env = Environment( CPPPATH='.', LIBPATH='.', tools=[ 'mingw' ] )
	"""parent_env.Replace( CC = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe' )
	parent_env.Replace( CXX = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe' )
	parent_env.Replace( LD = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++.exe' )
	parent_env.Replace( AR = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-ar' )
	parent_env.Replace( STRIP = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-strip' )
	parent_env.Replace( MAKE = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-make' )
	parent_env.Replace( RC = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-windres' )
	parent_env.Replace( RC = 'x86_64-w64-mingw32-dlltool' )"""
	#parent_env.Append( ENV = { 'PATH' : 'C:\\MinGW\\x86_64-w64-mingw32\\bin\\' } )
	#parent_env.Append( ENV = { 'PATH' : 'C:\MinGW\bin;C:\MinGW\libexec\gcc\x86_64-w64-mingw32\4.8.3;' + os.environ[ 'PATH' ] } )
	##parent_env.Append( ENV = { 'PATH' : 'C:\MinGW\bin;' + os.environ[ 'PATH' ] } )
	parent_env[ 'OS_NAME' ] = os.name
	parent_env[ 'SYS_PLATFORM' ] = sys.platform

	parent_env = Environment( CPPPATH='.', LIBPATH='.' )
	parent_env[ 'OS_NAME' ] = os.name
	parent_env[ 'SYS_PLATFORM' ] = sys.platform

if parent_env['LogStdOut_Enabled']:
	parent_env['LOG_STD_OUT_FILE'] = open('build.log', 'w')



InitCommon( parent_env )
#print('os.name', os.name)
#print('sys.platform', sys.platform)

# append flags
parent_env.Replace( MODULE_CPPFLAGS = [] )
parent_env.Replace( MODULE_LINKFLAGS = [] )

if 'CPPFLAGS' in os.environ:
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = os.environ[ 'CPPFLAGS' ] )

if 'LDFLAGS' in os.environ:
	parent_env.Append( LINKFLAGS = os.environ[ 'LDFLAGS' ] )

if parent_env['OSPosix']:
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-DOS_UNIX' ] )

if parent_env['OSWindows']:
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-DOS_W32', '-mwindows' ] )
	# mingw requires this to recognize wWinMain
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-municode' ] )
elif parent_env['OSBeOS']:
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-DOS_BEOS' ] )
	parent_env.Append( LINKFLAGS = [ '-L/boot/common/lib' ] )
elif parent_env['OSMacOS']:
	parent_env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-DOS_MACOS'])

if not (parent_env['OSPosix'] or parent_env['OSWindows'] or parent_env['OSBeOS'] or parent_env['OSMacOS']):
	Exit( 'No supported OS found!')

# parameters
#params = Variables( [ 'parameters.cache', 'custom.py' ] )
params = Variables( [ 'custom.py' ] )

params.Add( EnumVariable( 'platform_android', 'Build for Android platform', 'no', ['no','armv7','x86'] ) )
params.Add( BoolVariable( 'with_tests', 'Build engine tests', False ) )
params.Add( BoolVariable( 'with_debug', 'Build with debug symbols for GDB usage', False ) )
params.Add( BoolVariable( 'with_warnerrors', 'Treat warnings as errors ( dev-builds )', False ) )
params.Add( BoolVariable( 'with_sanitize', 'Enable sanitizing (dev-builds)', False ) )
params.Add( BoolVariable( 'with_sanitize_thread', 'Enable thread sanitizing (dev-builds)', False ) )
params.Add( BoolVariable( 'with_verbose', 'Verbose compilation showing command lines( dev-builds )', False ) )
params.Add(StringVariable('force_version', 'Force version (empty to disable)', ''))

params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_zlib', 'Use System Zlib' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libpng', 'Use System libpng' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_sndio', 'Use System sndio' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libapng', 'Use System libapng' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libjpeg', 'Use System JPEG' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_openal', 'Use System OpenAL' ) )
params.Add( ListVariable( 'with_openal_backends', 'When compiling OpenAL what backends are required',
	[], ['alsa', 'pulseaudio', 'portaudio', 'oss'] ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libogg', 'Use System libogg' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libvorbis', 'Use System libvorbis' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libtheora', 'Use System libtheora' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_fox', 'Use System FOX Toolkit' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_dragonscript', 'Use System DragonScript' ) )
params.Add( PathVariable( 'with_dragonscript_inc',
	'Path to DragonScript include files or empty to use system default',
	'', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
params.Add( PathVariable( 'with_dragonscript_lib',
	'Path to DragonScript library files or empty to use system default',
	'', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libffi', 'Use System libffi' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libltdl', 'Use System libltdl' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libsigsegv', 'Use System libsigsegv' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_smalltalk', 'Use System Smalltalk' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libevdev', 'Use System libevdev' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libusb', 'Use System libusb' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libhidapi', 'Use System libhidapi' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_libopenhmd', 'Use System libopenhmd' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_system_fftw', 'Use System fftw' ) )

params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_opengl', 'Use OpenGL' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_python', 'Use Python' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_npapisdk', 'Use NPAPI SDK' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_audio_openal', 'Build OpenAL Audio Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_cr_basic', 'Build Basic Crash-Recovery Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_graphics_opengl', 'Build OpenGL Graphics Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_image_png', 'Build PNG Image Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_image_png3d', 'Build PNG-3D Image Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_image_jpeg', 'Build JPEG Image Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_input_x', 'Build X Input Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_input_w32', 'Build Windows Input Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_input_beos', 'Build BeOS Input Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_input_macos', 'Build MacOS Input Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_input_android', 'Build Android Input Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_physics_bullet', 'Build Bullet Physics Module', True ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_script_ds', 'Build DragonScript Script Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_script_python', 'Build Python Script Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_script_smalltalk', 'Build Smalltalk Script Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_sound_ogg', 'Build OGG Vorbis Sound Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_video_theora', 'Build Theora Video Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_video_apng', 'Build Animated PNG Video Module' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_igde', 'Build IGDE' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_guilauncher', 'Build GUI Launcher' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_launcher_android', 'Build Android Launcher' ) )
params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'build_archive_delga', 'Build DELGA Archive Module' ) )

params.Add( EnumVariable( 'archive_format', 'Archive file format', 'tarbz2', ['tarbz2', 'zip'] ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'archive_name_engine',
	'Archive file name without extension for Drag[en]gine archive', 'dragengine' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'archive_name_engine_dev',
	'Archive file name without extension for Drag[en]gine Development archive', 'dragengine-dev' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'archive_name_igde',
	'Archive file name without extension for IGDE archive', 'deigde' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'archive_name_igde_dev',
	'Archive file name without extension for IGDE Development archive', 'deigde_dev' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'archive_name_special',
	'Archive file name without extension for Special archive', 'despecial' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'installer_name_engine',
	'Installer file name without extension for Drag[en]gine installer', 'install-dragengine' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'installer_name_engine_dev',
	'Installer file name without extension for Drag[en]gine Development installer', 'install-dragengine-dev' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'installer_name_igde',
	'Installer file name without extension for IGDE installer', 'install-deigde' ) )
params.Add( StringVariable( 'installer_name_igde_dev',
	'Installer file name without extension for IGDE Development installer', 'install-deigde-dev' ) )

if parent_env['OSMacOS']:
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_dl', 'Use the dynamic library system' ) )
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_pthread', 'Use pthread' ) )
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_x', 'Use the X Window System' ) )
	params.Add(EnumVariable('igde_toolkit', 'ToolKit to use for building IGDE', 'null', ['null']))
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'prefix', 'System path', '/usr', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'libdir', 'System libraries', '${prefix}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'includedir', 'System includes', '${prefix}/include', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'datadir', 'System shares', '${prefix}/share', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'sysconfdir', 'System configuration', '/etc', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'execdir', 'System binaries', '/Applications', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'sysvardir', 'System var', '${prefix}/var', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'cachedir', 'System cache', '${sysvardir}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_bin', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_lib', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_include', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine headers',
		'${includedir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_config', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_data', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine data',
		'${libdir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_share', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine shares',
		'${datadir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_cache', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine cache',
		'${cachedir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_bin', 'Path to the IGDE binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_lib', 'Path to the IGDE libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_include', 'Path to the IGDE headers',
		'${includedir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_config', 'Path to the IGDE configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_data', 'Path to the IGDE data',
		'${libdir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_share', 'Path to the IGDE shares',
		'${datadir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin', 'Path to the Launcher binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin_lib', 'Path to the Launcher binary libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_config', 'Path to the Launcher configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_data', 'Path to the Launcher data',
		'${libdir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_share', 'Path to the Launcher shares',
		'${datadir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_games', 'Path to the Launcher games',
		'/opt/delauncher/games', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

elif parent_env['OSBeOS']:
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_dl', 'Use the dynamic library system' ) )
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_pthread', 'Use pthread' ) )
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_x', 'Use the X Window System' ) )
	params.Add(EnumVariable('igde_toolkit', 'ToolKit to use for building IGDE', 'null', ['null']))
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'prefix', 'System path', '/boot/system', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'libdir', 'System libraries', '${prefix}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'includedir', 'System includes', '${prefix}/develop/include', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'datadir', 'System shares', '${prefix}/data', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'sysconfdir', 'System configuration', '${prefix}/settings', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'execdir', 'System binaries', '${prefix}/bin', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'sysvardir', 'System var', '${prefix}/var', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'cachedir', 'System cache', '${prefix}/cache', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'docdir', 'System documentation', '${prefix}/documentation', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_bin', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_lib', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_include', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine headers',
		'${includedir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_config', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_data', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine data',
		'${libdir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_share', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine shares',
		'${datadir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_cache', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine cache',
		'${cachedir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_bin', 'Path to the IGDE binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_lib', 'Path to the IGDE libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_include', 'Path to the IGDE headers',
		'${includedir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_config', 'Path to the IGDE configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_data', 'Path to the IGDE data',
		'${libdir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_share', 'Path to the IGDE shares',
		'${datadir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )

	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin', 'Path to the Launcher binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin_lib', 'Path to the Launcher binary libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_config', 'Path to the Launcher configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_data', 'Path to the Launcher data',
		'${libdir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_share', 'Path to the Launcher shares',
		'${datadir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_games', 'Path to the Launcher games',
		'/boot/system/delauncher/games', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
elif parent_env['OSPosix']:
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_dl', 'Use the dynamic library system' ) )
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_pthread', 'Use pthread' ) )
	params.Add( TernaryVariable( 'with_x', 'Use the X Window System' ) )
	params.Add(EnumVariable('igde_toolkit', 'ToolKit to use for building IGDE', 'fox', ['fox','null']))
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'prefix', 'System path', '/usr', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'libdir', 'System libraries', '${prefix}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'includedir', 'System includes', '${prefix}/include', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'datadir', 'System shares', '${prefix}/share', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'sysconfdir', 'System configuration', '/etc', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'execdir', 'System binaries', '${prefix}/bin', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'sysvardir', 'System var', '/var', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'cachedir', 'System cache', '${sysvardir}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_bin', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_lib', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_include', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine headers',
		'${includedir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_config', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_data', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine data',
		'${libdir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_share', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine shares',
		'${datadir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_cache', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine cache',
		'${cachedir}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_bin', 'Path to the IGDE binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_lib', 'Path to the IGDE libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_include', 'Path to the IGDE headers',
		'${includedir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_config', 'Path to the IGDE configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_data', 'Path to the IGDE data',
		'${libdir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_share', 'Path to the IGDE shares',
		'${datadir}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin', 'Path to the Launcher binaries',
		'${execdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin_lib', 'Path to the Launcher binary libraries',
		'${libdir}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_config', 'Path to the Launcher configuration',
		'${sysconfdir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_data', 'Path to the Launcher data',
		'${libdir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_share', 'Path to the Launcher shares',
		'${datadir}/delauncher', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_games', 'Path to the Launcher games',
		'/opt/delauncher/games', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
elif parent_env['OSWindows']:
	params.Add(EnumVariable('igde_toolkit', 'ToolKit to use for building IGDE', 'fox', ['fox','null']))
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'programfiles', 'Window program files directory',
		'@ProgramFiles', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'systemroot', 'Window system root directory',
		'@System', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_sdk', 'Path to Drag[en]gine SDK directory',
		'${path_de}/SDK', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_sdk_lib', 'Path to Drag[en]gine SDK libraries',
		'${path_de_sdk}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_sdk_inc', 'Path to Drag[en]gine SDK includes',
		'${path_de_sdk}/include', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine Installation',
		'${programfiles}/Dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_bin', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine binaries',
		'${path_de}/Bin', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_lib', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine libraries',
		'${path_de_sdk_lib}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_include', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine headers',
		'${path_de_sdk_inc}/dragengine', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_config', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine configuration',
		'${path_de}/Config', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_data', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine data',
		'${path_de}/Data', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_share', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine shares',
		'${path_de}/Share', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_de_cache', 'Path to the Drag[en]gine cache',
		'@LocalAppData/Dragengine/Cache', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_sdk', 'Path to Drag[en]gine IGDE SDK directory',
		'${path_igde}/SDK', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_sdk_lib', 'Path to Drag[en]gine IGDE SDK libraries',
		'${path_igde_sdk}/lib', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_sdk_inc', 'Path to Drag[en]gine IGDE SDK includes',
		'${path_igde_sdk}/include', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde', 'Path to the IGDE Installation',
		'${programfiles}/DEIGDE', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_bin', 'Path to the IGDE binaries',
		'${path_igde}/Bin', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_lib', 'Path to the IGDE libraries',
		'${path_igde_sdk_lib}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_include', 'Path to the IGDE headers',
		'${path_igde_sdk_inc}/deigde', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_config', 'Path to the IGDE configuration',
		'${path_igde}/Config', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_data', 'Path to the IGDE data',
		'${path_igde}/Data', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_igde_share', 'Path to the IGDE shares',
		'${path_igde}/Share', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher', 'Path to the Launcher Installation',
		'${path_de}/Launchers', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin', 'Path to the Launcher binaries',
		'${path_launcher}/Bin', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_bin_lib', 'Path to the Launcher binary libraries',
		'${path_launcher_bin}', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_config', 'Path to the Launcher configuration',
		'@RoamingAppData/DELaunchers/Config', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_data', 'Path to the Launcher data',
		'${path_launcher}/Data', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_share', 'Path to the Launcher shares',
		'${path_launcher}/Share', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'path_launcher_games', 'Path to the Launcher games',
		'${path_launcher}/Games', PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	Exit( 'No supported OS found!')

params.Update( parent_env )

# determine sanitize flags to use
parent_env.Replace(SANITIZE_FLAGS = [])

if parent_env['with_debug'] and parent_env['with_sanitize']:
	if parent_env['with_sanitize_thread']:
		parent_env.Append(SANITIZE_FLAGS = ['-fsanitize=thread'])
		parent_env.Append(SANITIZE_FLAGS = [
		parent_env.Append(SANITIZE_FLAGS = [
		parent_env.Append(SANITIZE_FLAGS = [

# for modules hide everything except the entry point. for this the default visibility
# is set to hidden and only the entry point is qualified with normal visibility.
# hiding also inlines is an optimization and helps to remove some special cases.
# the version script is required to hide symbols of linked static libraries.
# the -s flag eventually strips unused code linked in by static libraries

if parent_env['with_debug']:
	if parent_env['with_sanitize']:
		parent_env.Append(MODULE_CPPFLAGS = parent_env['SANITIZE_FLAGS'])
		parent_env.Append(MODULE_LINKFLAGS = parent_env['SANITIZE_FLAGS'])
	parent_env.Append(MODULE_CPPFLAGS = ['-fvisibility=hidden'])
	parent_env.Append(MODULE_LINKFLAGS = ['-fvisibility=hidden'])
	parent_env.Append(MODULE_CXXFLAGS = ['-fvisibility-inlines-hidden'])
	parent_env.Append(MODULE_LINKFLAGS = ['-fvisibility-inlines-hidden'])
	if not parent_env['OSMacOS']:
		parent_env.Append(MODULE_LINKFLAGS = ['-Wl,--version-script=module.version'])
		parent_env.Append(MODULE_LINKFLAGS = ['-s'])
	parent_env.Append(MODULE_CPPFLAGS = ['-DMOD_ENTRY_POINT_ATTR=__attribute__\\(\\(visibility\\(\\"default\\"\\)\\)\\)'])

# android
if parent_env[ 'platform_android' ] != 'no':
	params.Add( PathVariable( 'ndkroot', 'Path to NDK toolchain (NDK_ROOT env-param by default)',
		os.path.expanduser( os.environ['NDK_ROOT'] ), PathVariable.PathAccept ) )
	params.Add( StringVariable( 'apilevel', 'Android API level', '18' ) )
	params.Add( BoolVariable( 'hardfp', 'Use hardware floating point support instead of softfp on ARMv7 only', False ) )
	params.Update( parent_env )
	androidUpdateEnv( parent_env )

# disable verbose compile messages if requested
if not parent_env[ 'with_verbose' ]:
	DisableVerboseCompiling( parent_env )

if parent_env['with_debug']:
	if parent_env['OSWindows']:
		parent_env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-g', '-gstabs', '-ggdb'])
		parent_env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-g'])
		# mingw produces internal compiler errors on 8.x GCC. disabled until fixed or a check is present
		parent_env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-fno-omit-frame-pointer'])

# set flags based on parameters
if parent_env[ 'platform_android' ] == 'no':
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-O2' ] )  # because android platform script defines this already
parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-Wall' ] )

# disable the new (and truely stupid) new gcc 8.1 shenanigans.
# see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C_002b_002b-Dialect-Options.html#index-Wclass-memaccess .
# the idea behind all this is all nice and dandy but it prevents legit fast memory handling
# trying to pretend idiots from shooting themselves in the foot. if somebody uses memcpy then
# he should know what he is doing so stop breaking builds with non-sense errors.
parent_env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-Wno-class-memaccess'])

if parent_env[ 'with_warnerrors' ]:
	parent_env.Append( CPPFLAGS = [ '-Werror' ] )

if parent_env[ 'platform_android' ] != 'no':
	parent_env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wno-unused-private-field'])
	parent_env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-Wno-tautological-constant-compare'])

# no default targets
Default( None )

# define the targets array and reports dictionary to be filled
parent_targets = {}
parent_report = {}

# report stuff
if parent_env['OSPosix']:
	parent_report[ 'prefix' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'prefix' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine binary path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_bin' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine library path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_lib' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine include path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_include' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine configuration path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_config' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine data path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_data' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine shared data path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_share' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine cache path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_cache' ] )

elif parent_env['OSWindows']:
	parent_report[ 'system library path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'systemroot' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine sdk path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_sdk' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine binary path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_bin' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine library path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_lib' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine include path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_include' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine configuration path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_config' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine data path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_data' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine shared data path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_share' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde binary path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde_bin' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde library path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde_lib' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde include path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde_include' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde configuration path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde_config' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde data path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde_data' ] )
	parent_report[ 'deigde shared data path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_igde_share' ] )
	parent_report[ 'dragengine cache path' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'path_de_cache' ] )
	#parent_report[ 'program files' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'programfiles' ] )

parent_report[ 'platform_android' ] = parent_env[ 'platform_android' ]
if parent_env[ 'platform_android' ] != 'no':
	parent_report[ 'ndkroot' ] = parent_env.subst( parent_env[ 'ndkroot' ] )
	parent_report[ 'apilevel' ] = parent_env[ 'apilevel' ]
	parent_report[ 'hardfp' ] = 'yes' if parent_env[ 'hardfp' ] else 'no'

parent_report[ 'build dragengine tests' ] = 'yes' if parent_env[ 'with_tests' ] else 'no'
parent_report[ 'treat warnings as errors' ] = 'yes' if parent_env[ 'with_warnerrors' ] else 'no'
parent_report[ 'build with debug symbols' ] = 'yes' if parent_env[ 'with_debug' ] else 'no'
parent_report[ 'build with sanitizing' ] = 'yes' if parent_env[ 'with_sanitize' ] else 'no'
parent_report[ 'build with thread sanitizing' ] = 'yes' if parent_env[ 'with_sanitize_thread' ] else 'no'

# external libraries
extdirs = []
extdirs.append( 'extern/zlib' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libpng' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libapng' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libjpeg' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/sndio' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/openal' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libogg' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libvorbis' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libtheora' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/fox' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/dragonscript' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libffi' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libltdl' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libsigsegv' )
#extdirs.append( 'extern/smalltalk' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libevdev' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libusb' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libhidapi' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/libopenhmd' )
extdirs.append( 'extern/fftw' )

for extdir in extdirs:
	SConscript( dirs=extdir, variant_dir='{}/build'.format( extdir ),
		duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

SConscript( dirs='extern/mingw', variant_dir='extern/mingw/build',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

# drag[en]gine game engine
SConscript( dirs='src/dragengine', variant_dir='src/dragengine/build', duplicate=0,
	exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

scdirs = []

# game engine modules
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/animator/deanimator' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/ai/deai' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/animation/deanim' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/audio/null' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/audio/openal' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/crashrecovery/simplyquit' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/crashrecovery/basicrecovery' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/font/defont' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/graphic/null' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/graphic/opengl' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/image/png' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/image/png3d' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/image/tga' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/image/jpeg' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/input/console' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/input/xsystem' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/input/w32input' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/input/beos' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/input/macos' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/input/android' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/langpack/delangpack' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/model/demodel' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/network/basic' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/occlusionmesh/deocclusionmesh' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/physics/bullet' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/rig/derig' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/scripting/dragonscript' )
#scdirs.append( 'src/modules/scripting/python' )
#scdirs.append( 'src/modules/scripting/smalltalk' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/skin/deskin' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/sound/oggvorbis' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/synthesizer/desynthesizer' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/video/theora' )
scdirs.append( 'src/modules/video/apng' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/archive/delga' )

scdirs.append( 'src/modules/combined/fbx' )

# launchers
scdirs.append( 'src/launcher/console' )
scdirs.append( 'src/launcher/gui' )
#scdirs.append( 'src/launcher/android' )
scdirs.append( 'src/launcher/live' )

# tests
scdirs.append( 'src/tests' )

# integrated game development environment
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/deigde' )

scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/world' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/animator' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/rigeditor' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/font' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/sky' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/skin' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/particleEmitter' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/speechAnimation' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/conversation' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/langpack' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/synthesizer' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/gameDefinition' )
scdirs.append( 'src/deigde/editors/project' )

for scdir in scdirs:
	SConscript( dirs=scdir, variant_dir='{}/build'.format( scdir ),
		duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

SConscript( dirs='src/tools/blender', variant_dir='src/tools/blender/build',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

# special stuff
SConscript( dirs='src/launcher/usbdrive', variant_dir='src/launcher/usbdrive/build',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

# archiving
SConscript( dirs='archive', variant_dir='archive/build',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

SConscript( 'src/tools/launcher/android/SConscriptSpecial',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report' )

SConscript('archive/SConsHaikuHpkg.py', variant_dir='archive/buildPackage',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report')

# installers
SConscript(dirs='installer', variant_dir='installer/build',
	duplicate=0, exports='parent_env parent_targets parent_report')

#params.Save( 'parameters.cache', parent_env )

# add aliases
buildAll = []
installAll = []
installAllRuntime = []
installEngineRuntime = []
installIgdeRuntime = []
doxygenAll = []
clocAll = []
clocReports = []

for key in parent_targets:
	if 'build' in parent_targets[ key ]:
		buildAll.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'build' ] )
	if 'install' in parent_targets[ key ]:
		installAll.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'install' ] )
		if 'install-runtime' in parent_targets[ key ]:
			installAllRuntime.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'install-runtime' ] )
			installAllRuntime.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'install' ] )
	if 'install-engine-runtime' in parent_targets[key]:
	if 'install-igde-runtime' in parent_targets[key]:
	if 'doxygen' in parent_targets[ key ]:
		doxygenAll.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'doxygen' ] )
	if 'cloc' in parent_targets[ key ]:
		clocAll.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'cloc' ] )
		clocReports.append( parent_targets[ key ][ 'clocReport' ] )

targetBuildAll = parent_env.Alias( 'build', buildAll )
parent_targets[ 'build' ] = {
	'name' : 'Build Everything',
	'target' : targetBuildAll }

targetInstallAll = parent_env.Alias( 'install', installAll )
parent_targets[ 'install' ] = {
	'name' : 'Install Everything',
	'target' : targetInstallAll }

targetInstallAllRuntime = parent_env.Alias( 'install_runtime', installAllRuntime )
parent_targets[ 'install_runtime' ] = {
	'name' : 'Install Everything Runtime (no development files)',
	'target' : targetInstallAllRuntime }

targetInstallEngineRuntime = parent_env.Alias('install_engine_runtime', installEngineRuntime)
parent_targets['install_engine_runtime'] = {
	'name' : 'Install Engine Runtime (no development files)',
	'target' : targetInstallEngineRuntime }

targetInstallIgdeRuntime = parent_env.Alias('install_igde_runtime', installIgdeRuntime)
parent_targets['install_igde_runtime'] = {
	'name' : 'Install IGDE Runtime (no development files)',
	'target' : targetInstallIgdeRuntime }

targetDoxygenAll = parent_env.Alias( 'doxygen', doxygenAll )
parent_targets[ 'doxygen' ] = {
	'name' : 'Doxygen Everything',
	'target' : targetDoxygenAll }

if clocReports:
	targetClocSummary = parent_env.Alias( 'cloc_summary',
		BuildCLOCSummary( parent_env, clocReports, 'clocsummary.csv' ) )
	clocAll.append( targetClocSummary )

targetClocAll = parent_env.Alias( 'cloc', clocAll )
parent_targets[ 'cloc' ] = {
	'name' : 'CLoc Everything',
	'target' : targetClocAll }

# default is building and installing everything
Default( 'install' )

# produce help
Help( BuildHelpText( parent_targets ) )

# print out report
PrintConfigReport( parent_report )

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