ATI video problem - slow desktop - 100% cpu load [semi-solved]

Carl Johnson carlj at
Fri Jun 22 03:41:34 UTC 2018

Vincent Stemen <vince.bsd at> writes:

> You must load radeonkms.ko after the system is fully booted.
>     # kldload radeonkms
> That automatically loads the other 3 modules and initializes the console where
> the console text goes into higher resolution mode.  Then X and the desktop
> environments work and seem to be fully functional, including transparency, etc.
> So I can either put it in /etc/rc.local, to be run at boot time, or put it in
> an X startup script wrapper.  Note that it must be run prior to startx because
> it must be loaded before launching the X server.  So it cannot be put in
> ~/.xinitrc.

Have you tried loading it with kld_list in /etc/rc.conf?  Those get
loaded during boot, but it might be late enough to work.  That would be
automated, so it might be a little more convenient.
Carl Johnson		carlj at

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