Ryzen issues on FreeBSD ?

Nils Beyer nbe at renzel.net
Thu Jan 25 13:49:11 UTC 2018

On 01/17/18 14:38, Mike Tancsa wrote:
> However, we are seeing random lockups on both boxes. [...]

go into your BIOS:

- load default settings
- disable SMT
- disable Cool&Quiet
- disable global C-state control
- disable anything with C-states

only with SMT _and_ Cool&Quiet _and_ C-state-stuff all together disabled, my system is still running
(uptime now is 49 days). Every other fiddling around with RAM, PSU and timing settings is fruitless.
Before, my system locked up after a run time of six to ten days.

And, yes, I have a replacement CPU and the shared page fix active - these didn't help.

This does not help with your compilation problems though...


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