Ryzen issues on FreeBSD ?

Mark Millard marklmi26-fbsd at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 17 21:46:03 UTC 2018

Mike Tancsa mike at sentex.net wrote on:
Wed Jan 17 14:31:50 UTC 2018 :

> On 1/17/2018 8:46 AM, Nimrod Levy wrote:
> > I've been seeing similar issues on Ryzen and asked some questions,
> > here https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-stable/2017-December/088121.html
> > 
> > My previous queries didn't go anywhere.  
> >
> Thats not very promising :(  Googling around, shows lots of similar
> reports both on FreeBSD and Linux, but its a lot of "I tweaked this BIOS
> setting and so far so good" but nothing definitive / conclusive.  Having
> to mess about with hardware settings for days on end hoping to fix
> random lockups is .... not good.

See Bugzilla 219399 and 221029 :


I'm not sure how much stable/11 and the like have been
tracking things that were done in head (12) during this.
My use has only been via versions of head.

My 1800X use was basically after head was updated to deal
with what 219399 eventually was isolated to. (221029 is
from splitting off problems that were not originally known
to be separate.)

While I had problems for 1800X that are what the 221029
bugzilla above is about, I've not had such with a 1950X
in the same sorts of contexts as I had been using the
1800X. But this was under Hyper-V for both processor
variants (with matching boards).

I've only tried the 1950X with a native FreeBSD boot once
(a fair time ago). It showed a lockup problem fairly
quickly (power switch/plug time). I've never seen such
(or anything analogous) under Hyper-V with extensive use.

It does not look like I'll be investigating native FreeBSD
on the 1950X anytime soon. (I no longer have access to the

Mark Millard
marklmi26-fbsd at yahoo.com
( markmi at dsl-only.net is going away in 2018-Feb, late)

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