troubleshooting before hard reset

Marko Cupać marko.cupac at
Mon Jan 15 09:31:44 UTC 2018


one of my ageing servers, HP DL380g5, which is serving a bunch of
non-critical production jails on FreeBSD 11.1, bacame inaccessible over
weekend. I have physical access, its disks and NICs are showing
activity, but it doesn't send anything to monitor over VGA, also I
guess it doesn't recognise keyboard (num lock led does nothing).

Before I hard reset it, is there anything I can do to troubleshoot the
problem? I tried serial port as well but it gives nothing on either
9600 or 115200 baud. I guess OS needs to be configured beforehand for
serial access.

Thank you in advance,

Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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