Appendices - more data: SCHED_ULE+PREEMPTION is the problem

Peter pmc at
Tue Apr 10 11:41:20 UTC 2018

I forgot to attach the commands used to create the logs - they are ugly 

dtrace -q -n '::sched_choose:return { @[((struct thread 
*)arg1)->td_proc->p_pid, stringof(((struct thread 
*)arg1)->td_proc->p_comm), timestamp] = count(); } tick-1s { exit(0); }' 
| sort -nk 3 | awk '$1 > 27 {$3 = ($3/1000000)*1.0/1000; printf "%6d 
%20s %3.3f\n", $1, $2, $3 }'

dtrace -q -n '::runq_choose_from:entry /arg1 == 0||arg1 == 32/ { @[arg1, 
timestamp] = count(); }' | sort -nk2

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