moxa uport 1110 RS232 USB to serial support?

Marko Cupać marko.cupac at
Fri Nov 18 14:22:17 UTC 2016

On Fri, 18 Nov 2016 14:28:58 +0100
Arrigo Marchiori via freebsd-stable <freebsd-stable at> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am resending this reply message to the freebsd-usb@ and
> freebsd-stable@ mailing list, because it bounced back to me after one
> day.
> I am afraid that the short answer is «no».
> For what I could find on-line:
>  - the Moxa UPort 1110 driver for Linux is the same as the Texas
>    Instruments TUSB3410
>    (source:
>  - the port comms/uticom was a driver for the TUSB3410, but it was
>    deprecated, and removed three years ago.
>    FreeBSD forum thread:
>    Port information:
>    SourceForge page:
> I hope this helps.


it does help, thank you. I'm not subscribed to freebsd-usb, but I'm
gonna check archives to see if there are any follow-ups.

I am not sure, but I think I used this adapter on OpenBSD without the
need to install additional packages. Moxa Uport 1110 is also in
OpenBSD's usbdevs.h:

Perhaps someone with much more knowledge than me would be able to port
this to FreeBSD?
Before enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.
After  enlightenment - chop wood, draw water.

Marko Cupać

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