1MB swap partition on 11.0 memstick

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Fri Nov 4 14:44:53 UTC 2016

On Fri, Nov 04, 2016 at 06:50:16PM +1100, Ian Smith wrote:
> Still wondering .. I have no spare box to install 11.0 on at present but 
> want to be sure the memstick mentioned below will be fit for purpose.  
> I can easily add a 1.0MB swap partition to that, but is it necessary?
> From:
> # $FreeBSD: head/release/amd64/make-memstick.sh 293188 2016-01-05 03:20:45Z gjb $
> [..]
> mkimg -s gpt -b ${1}/boot/pmbr -p efi:=${1}/boot/boot1.efifat \
>  -p freebsd-boot:=${1}/boot/gptboot -p freebsd-ufs:=${2}.part \
>  -p freebsd-swap::1M -o ${2}
> === reposted:
> Tried in -questions but no takers ..
> root at x200:~ # mdconfig -lv
> md0     vnode     700M  
> /home/smithi/FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-amd64-memstick.img
> root at x200:~ # gpart show -p md0
> =>      3  1433741    md0  GPT  (700M)
>         3     1600  md0p1  efi  (800k)
>      1603      125  md0p2  freebsd-boot  (62k)
>      1728  1429968  md0p3  freebsd-ufs  (698M)
>   1431696     2048  md0p4  freebsd-swap  (1.0M)
> What is the 1.0M swap partition for?  Is it needed by bsdinstall?
> I have an MBR-scheme sliced memstick using boot0 with that md0p3 dd'd to 
> da0s2a which boots fine, but have only run it as 'Live CD' and have not 
> run the installer, but am wondering if a) that swap partition is really 
> needed and if so, b) what can usefully be done with 1MB of swap ..

I would need to look through the commit logs to confirm, but if I recall
correctly, the memstick images failed to boot properly without the 1MB
swap after the freebsd-ufs partition after converting the image build to
use mkimg(1).


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