nfsd server cache flooded, try to increase nfsrc_floodlevel

Garrett Wollman wollman at
Fri Jul 25 23:11:47 UTC 2014

In article <666117227.3741955.1406328843281.JavaMail.root at>,
Rick Macklem writes:

>The problem with setting vfs.nfsd.tcphighwater too large is that an overloaded
>server can run out of kernel address space/memory it can use for malloc() and
>then the whole machine wedges. (I can only test to see what is safe for a
>256Mbyte i386.)


The FreeBSD Foundation maintains significant resources in the various
FreeBSD clusters for the purpose of testing FreeBSD on a variety of
hardware platforms and scales.  Why don't you ask them for access to
some of these systems so you can run tests of your own?  I don't think
it would be hard to come up with a test plan that would cover at least
the most common cases.


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