Mouse does not work with new Xorg, works with old Xorg (9.3-STABLE)

Pete French petefrench at
Tue Jul 22 14:33:58 UTC 2014

Yup, me again with another new xorg issue I am afraid. In this case
its a lot more simple though - everything works, except for
the mouse. The mouse is fine in the conosle but as soon as I start X it
moves the mouse to the centre of th screen and it stops moving.

I have moused disabled, and hald and dbus enabled - the config
which works on my other machine runnign new_xorg. The kernel
has vt and kbdmux compiled into it, but is otherwise generic.

This is using the nex_xorg pkg repository. If I just
use the default pkg repository all works fine.

Hopefully this is a quick fix, but it puzzles me as the config
is the same as the machine I am typing this on. I didnt think
new-xorg affected the mouse drivers actually.


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