ANSI Escape sequences in PAM message

perox at perox at
Fri Jul 4 09:08:29 UTC 2014


I recently played around with a custom PAM module for user authentication via
ssh. During the authentication process I want to display various messages which I
am able to do using a conv() call passing my messages. If the message is simple
everything works as expected.

When I use terminal/ANSI escape codes (e.g. something like  33[40;37;1m to 
provide colors) however, the output is only correct when I set the pam message type
the escape sequences have no effect and are printed literally. Using 
PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON as message type is no solution as it requires the 
user to press a key after each message. Is this a bug or a feature? I could imagine 
this being a security feature, but then, why would one message type allow it? 
Skimming through the code of libpam and openssh didn't help. Is there perhaps 
a flag or an option to ssh which forbids some things I try to use?

Under Ubuntu and RedHat (which don't use openpam but an own PAM
implementation) everything works as expected. I am using 10-STABLE 
but 9.2 shows the same behavior.



My code looks similar to this:

int style = PAM_PROMPT_ECHO_ON;
// don't work
//int style = PAM_TEXT_INFO;                                             
//int style = PAM_ERROR_MSG;                           

r = pam_get_item(pamhg, PAM_CONV, &convp);
conv = (const struct pam_conv *)convp;

vsnprintf(msgbuf, PAM_MAX_MSG_SIZE, fmt, ap);
msg.msg_style = style;
msg.msg = msgbuf;
msgp = &msg;         
r = (conv->conv)(1, &msgp, &rsp, conv->appdata_ptr);

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