FreeBSD 9.3-RC2 and vmware 5.1 esxi (not a duplicate)

Dave Hayes dave at
Tue Jul 1 02:42:16 UTC 2014

On 06/30/2014 19:34, Glen Barber wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 07:33:02PM -0700, Dave Hayes wrote:
>> On 06/30/2014 18:49, Glen Barber wrote:
>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:41:06PM -0700, Dave Hayes wrote:
>>>> On 06/30/2014 18:36, Glen Barber wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 30, 2014 at 06:34:01PM -0700, Dave Hayes wrote:
>>>>>> This may look like a duplicate of
>>>>>>    <53B1DB21.7020900 at>
>>>>>> but it isn't. It's the same issue, but now it also belongs to the stock ISO.
>>>>>> We tested the stock FreeBSD 9.3-RC2 iso on vmware 5.1 esxi as a guest. It
>>>>>> says clearly
>>>>>>    CD Loader 1.2
>>>>>> and then there's screen gibberish which seems to indicate something is not
>>>>>> found.
>>>>> Can you provide a screenshot?
>>>> You may use this:
>>> This is, unfortunately, not useful information.  We will need much more
>>> information, including exactly how the VM was created, what options were
>>> enabled / disabled for the VM, etc.
>> Reciprocally, I need to know exactly what you need. So far I have
>> - How the VM was created
>> - What VM options there were
>> What else would you need, exactly and completely?
> Well, let's start with these two.  Can you actually provide them?

The issue is that I am between you and someone at a hosting provider. 
This hosting provider interaction is not real time. Thus, I would like 
to queue as many information requests in one transaction as I can.

I've forwarded this request in the interests of some measure of 
efficiency. I will get back to you with the response.

In the meanwhile, is there a useful debug mode or a way to recompile the 
loader with debug code in it? I realize this may not be possible, but it 
never hurts to ask.
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at
 >>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

Compassion will cure more sins than condemnation.

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