FreeBSD 10 on VMWare in a corporate network; How?

n j nino80 at
Thu Feb 13 08:30:51 UTC 2014

> It appears that I need samba & squid to have NT/LM authentication to
> get through the proxy so that I can download ports & packages, but to
> obtain packages for those I need to be able to get through the proxy
> first.

As krad above pointed out, you can use ntlmaps (/usr/ports/net/ntlmaps): a
simple python proxy that does NTLM authentication for you.
However, you could also use cntlm (/usr/ports/www/cntlm - It's a C proxy so there is no python
dependency. The package is about 50KB, but you do have to transfer it to
your VM somehow (burn to CD if nothing else?).


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