vt(4) and geli(8)

Peter Wemm peter at wemm.org
Sat Apr 19 02:10:58 UTC 2014

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 6:18 PM, Chris Nehren
<cnehren+freebsd-stable at pobox.com> wrote:
> On 2014/04/18, 11:36, Greg Rivers wrote:
>> The new vt system console looks really nice.  But on hosts that
>> have geli encrypted devices that prompt for the passphrase at
>> boot, no keyboard input reaches geli.  The keyboard doesn't
>> appear to be dead, as the caps-lock and num-lock keys toggle;
>> geli just doesn't receive any input. This is on 10-STABLE amd64
>> built from yesterday's sources. "hw.vga.textmode=1" doesn't make
>> any difference.
>> Has anyone else encountered this?
> Yes, I have, on my FreeBSD workstation with a USB keyboard.  It's running
> FreeBSD 10 with geli-encrypted ZFS root.  This happened before I updated to
> vt, though.  I managed to work around the problem, surprisingly enough, by
> mashing the keyboard when the system boots as soon as I see bold white
> kernel text.  Then, when prompted for the passphrase (after all the USB
> devices finish probing / attaching), I hit enter to clear the buffer and
> then am able to enter the passphrase correctly.
> I'll be filing a PR for this, probably on Monday, should I not be able to
> find one that's similar.
> --
> Chris Nehren

For what it's worth, I don't think this is specific to vt.  You can
sometimes get the same behavior when you hit the mountroot prompt.
Some of the machines in the freebsd cluster will accept input at a
mountroot prompt, the others we have to power cycle and fix
vfs.root.mountfrom.  vt isn't involved.  I don't know what the
variable is.

I once suspected it is some combination of ddb/kdb presence, and/or
serial console / multiconsole mode but I don't think that holds up.

Peter Wemm - peter at wemm.org; peter at FreeBSD.org; peter at yahoo-inc.com; KI6FJV

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