vt(4) and geli(8)

Glen Barber gjb at FreeBSD.org
Fri Apr 18 15:40:55 UTC 2014

On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 10:36:51AM -0500, Greg Rivers wrote:
> The new vt system console looks really nice.  But on hosts that have geli
> encrypted devices that prompt for the passphrase at boot, no keyboard input
> reaches geli.  The keyboard doesn't appear to be dead, as the caps-lock and
> num-lock keys toggle; geli just doesn't receive any input. This is on
> 10-STABLE amd64 built from yesterday's sources. "hw.vga.textmode=1" doesn't
> make any difference.
> Has anyone else encountered this?

No, and I have this exact setup.

Is the keyboard USB, by chance?


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