What's up with the swapping since 10/stable

Tomoaki AOKI junchoon at dec.sakura.ne.jp
Sat Apr 5 07:17:16 UTC 2014

Yes, Karl's patch fixed my swap regression, too.
ZFS-root notebook with 8GB RAM, stable/10 amd64.

No swap usage is observed after applying his patch, feeling (but not
measured) no performance penalty.

But unfortunately, the patch haven't been merged even to head.
So, anyone chasing vanilla head or stable/10 has no fix yet.

On Fri, 4 Apr 2014 09:24:52 +0200
Matthias Gamsjager <mgamsjager at gmail.com> wrote:

> This was an old post and after few week Karl came up with an arc patch
> which fixed this issue.

Tomoaki AOKI    junchoon at dec.sakura.ne.jp

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