revision higher than 250508 breaks webcam support

Matthias Apitz guru at
Fri May 17 14:31:48 UTC 2013

El día Friday, May 17, 2013 a las 01:51:08PM +0200, Jože Zobec escribió:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Jože Zobec <jozze.zepl at>
> Date: 2013/5/17
> Subject: Re: revision higher than 250508 breaks webcam support
> To: Jeremy Chadwick <jdc at>, Adrian Chadd <adrian at>
> OK, I compiled and tried different revisions
> r250559 -- OK
> r250560 -- OK
> r250561 -- error
> Upon updating from r250560 to r250561, svn gave me
> ...
> U       /usr/src/sys/dev/sound/usb/uaudio.c
>  U      /usr/src/sys/dev
>  U      /usr/src/sys
> ...


I have the following set of laptops which are all running the same SVN
revision of the ports r315646 and only the last one was updated today to
a new base/head revision r250588:

| name         | kernel   | date         | ports (r or date) | remarks
| Aurora       | r235646  | May 19, 2012 | r315646 20130401  |
| tiny         | r235646  | May 19, 2012 | r315646 20130401  | cloned Aurora
| Perlach      | r235646  | May 19, 2012 | r315646 20130401  | cloned Aurora
| La-Habana    | r250588  | May 13, 2013 | r315646 20130401  |

the ports have been compiled on Aurora and moved via pkg_create(8) to
the other hosts (around 1200 ports); on 'La-Habana' where the new kernel
is running I have had to rebuild only cuse4bsd-kmod-0.1.27, because it's
a kmod and depends on the sources of the running kernel; on all systems
of r235646, Skype is fine with the cams I have, on r250588 my cams are
working with pwcview(1) but not with Skype.

What can we do to debug this?

We should move this thread to freebsd-multimedia only, I suggest.


Matthias Apitz               |  /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign:
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