Possible DoS in mpd 5.6 pppoe server

Marcelo Gondim gondim at bsdinfo.com.br
Sun May 5 13:04:22 UTC 2013

Em 05/05/13 04:21, Eugene Grosbein escreveu:
> On 05.05.2013 07:51, Marcelo Gondim wrote:
>> I changed hardware for motherboard Supermicro X9SCM-F and Xeon processor
>> 3.2Ghz E31230 with 8Gb ram ECC. The problem stopped and the server was
>> very stable.
>> The problem could be with the Intel motherboard S5500BC? Because this
>> was installed with 2 Xeon processors and two memory banks 4Gb.
>> Could be FreeBSD incompatibility with the hardware or faulty hardware?
>> Thanks and best regards,
> I don't think so. The race problem is known. It has software nature
> and crash probability depends of many reasons. The change of hardware
> changes some of aspects, indeed :-) In your case it somehow
> made the server more stable but that's not any kind of hardware incompatibility.
Does any developer is seeing this problem? Because I saw the prthat has 
been going on since 2011.


I'm trying to  replace  severalMikrotik  RouterOS  (PPPoE server)  for  FreeBSD  with  mpd  + freeradius + mysql.

All my servers are FreeBSD except PPPoE Server. :(

Best regards,

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