shutdown -r / shutdown -h / reboot all hang and don't cleanly dismount

Willem Jan Withagen wjw at
Sun Jun 23 13:05:14 UTC 2013

Op 23 jun. 2013 om 03:15 heeft Jeremy Chadwick <jdc at> het volgende geschreven:

> On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 02:41:27AM +0200, Willem Jan Withagen wrote:
>> On 19-6-2013 17:04, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
>>> - Adam runs 9.1-RELEASE because of business needs pertaining to
>>>  freebsd-update and binary updates.  (I ask more about this for
>>>  benefits of readers below, however -- because this situation comes
>>>  up a lot and I want to know what real-world admins do)
>> The bug is very specifically available in 9.1-RELEASE because I got
>> bit by it before the release of 9.1. But discussed it with avg@ and
>> it did not make it into the release, but was submitted only like 2
>> weeks later.
>> So in that case you can probably stop looking.
>> For just about any 9.1-STABLE after that should the fix be in the code.
> I'm not sure why so many people (so far) seem to think that this problem
> is always the same issue -- it isn't.  There are multiple things that
> have historically (and/or presently) have caused this issue.
> Here's the list I composed only a few days ago, and it is far from
> thorough:

Being in software for over 30 years I assume very little about:
    it's correctness.
But I assume that it could be me, causing pilot-errors.

So what I was trying to say:
Several of the bugs in this range were fixed shortly after the 9.1-release, so the first step I'd like to suggest, is to get beyond this point in the release stream. And test again.

My reasoning was more the other way around: unless you have gone to a release with at least these fixes, you cannot tell whether it is already fixed or not.
Until then, a lot of the debugging could be not fully usefull.


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