IPv6 Tunnel Shared With Jails via epair Devices

Ben Morrow ben at morrow.me.uk
Tue Jan 15 23:27:56 UTC 2013

At  5PM -0500 on 15/01/13 you (Shawn Webb) wrote:
> I figured it out. In my jail initialization scripts, I'm running '/bin/sh
> /bin/rc' after doing initial network setup. The rc script puts the
> interface in IFDISABLED mode. So if I run the ifconfig command to remove
> the flag, I'm golden.

Yes, that's what I thought. You should be able to avoid this by
specifying either

    ifconfig_epair0b_ipv6="inet6 auto_linklocal"



in the jail's rc.conf. This is cleaner than running ifconfig explicitly
outside the jail.


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