smartctl question

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Fri Nov 9 21:28:47 UTC 2012


> Still smartctl -a displays a value of 199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count I reckon 
> to be way too high, though ( > 3900 ) .
> So is this value now including errors from previous broken cable ?

> In other words, when, if at all, is the cache smartmontools read from
> flushed and values are to be taken as of the status after fixing a
> hardware problem but not swapping the disk ? 

SMART values are stored in the drive, not on some cache in the system.

The bad cable caused the drive to see errors. There is no way
to reset the counters in the drive.

So the error counter will stay at that value, but as long as it
does no longer increase, you're fine.

pi at            +49 171 3101372                         8 years to go !

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