Why Are You Using FreeBSD?

Prabhpal -Mailing-List prabhpal at digital-infotech.net
Thu May 31 09:28:54 UTC 2012

On 5/30/12 6:52 PM, Pierre-Luc Drouin wrote:
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 2:20 PM, David Chisnall<theraven at freebsd.org>wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> This is off-topic, so please feel free to disregard it, but I'm sending it
>> to this list in the hope that it will reach a largish number of users.
>> I am currently looking at updating some of our advocacy material (which
>> advertises exciting new features like SMP support), and before I do I'd
>> like to get a better feel for why the rest of you are using FreeBSD.  If
>> you had to list the three things you most like about FreeBSD, which would
>> you pick?  Are they the same as when you first started using it?

> Hi, i would not say very much different than the guys have said. FreeBSD system is know as heavy duty system and chooice of admins where solid rock performace is required, such as telecom industries, extremly large environment, any individual can also use FreeBSD for same purpose. There are many meaningfull reason those can prove FreeBSD is best system.
1.) I use FreeBSD because it is extremely robust System.
2.) Stability / Reliability / it's ability
3.) FreeBSD known for its ability to handle heavy network traffic with 
high performance and rock solid reliability
4.) Resource management is very good for FreeBSD, such as Memory, 
processor use. (I maintain 218 Linux / Unix Server) therefor i know of.
5.) FreeBSD is the system of choice for high performance network 
6.) pf is better than iptables.
7.) many many more

Thanks / Nath NK

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