IPv6 and CARP crashes boxes

Adam Strohl adams-freebsd at ateamsystems.com
Tue Jun 12 13:05:40 UTC 2012

On 6/12/2012 19:48, Pete French wrote:
> I ran into some - aliases on a CARP integface did not seem
> to work proprly - but if you workaround that then it appears
> to work fine. We are using it in production with no problems.

I have noticed this issue (CARP + IPv4 aliases) with older (pre 9.x) 
versions of FreeBSD.

I maintain some legacy 6.2 servers and had to eventually add ifconfig 
statements inside rc.local to get the links to coalesce.  6.2 appears to 
ignore _alias<n> directives entirely inside rc.conf, and has real issues 
if you add/delete aliases to a CARP interface while its up (both peers 
end up thinking they're MASTER).

In 9.x it all works as expected at least for IPv4 (rc.conf 
carp<n>_alias<n> entries, aliases, on the fly reconfiguring).

Adam Strohl

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