Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD ?

Erich Dollansky erich at alogreentechnologies.com
Sun Jun 3 14:11:19 UTC 2012


On 03 June 2012 AM 6:12:38 Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 4:58 AM, Adam Strohl
> <adams-freebsd at ateamsystems.com>wrote:
> > On 6/3/2012 17:51, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> >
> Linux : ( Fedora , Mandriva , Mageia , and many others ) Wonderful  . I can

are you talking about the Fedora I have installed here?

> not think any other choice other than LInux to suggest to ONLY a user which
> he/she will install and use the system .

I am not so sure if this will work. At least not on my machine. I did a standard install as I expect to replace this installation with FreeBSD when I have a bit more time at hand.

I noticed meanwhile two problems which are show stoppers for normal users. After the notebook was put to sleep, it was literally put to sleep, at least partially. I could not fire out what was wrong as the user interface still worked. I got many error messages that writes to sockets failed. So, I assume writing to sockets died.

The next thing are updates. After downloading some 600MB of updates via the GUI tool, I could not install a single package with it anymore. I have had to go to the console and use yum install to get things installed.

If a user manages this, the same user will manage FreeBSD too.

If a user does not manage this, Windows will be back on the machine.
> Please , do NOT forget that server installers and maintainers are computer
> professionals having sufficient training to work on such a job .
Yeah, FreeBSD is also very easy for me to handle. For my wife? No, she complains then that this was working under Windows even when she never saw it working under Windows.


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