Why Are You NOT Using FreeBSD?

Nicolas Braud-Santoni nicolas at braud-santoni.eu
Sun Jun 3 08:11:20 UTC 2012


2012/6/3 Erich <erichfreebsdlist at ovitrap.com>:
> [...]
>> I witnessed those cases several times and at this moment, our four
>> remaining FreeBSD servers and my personal desktop as well as my private
>> box are rendered "unusable" in terms of having no LibreOffice since it
>> doesn't compile anymore on FreeBSD 9-STABLE/amd64 and 10-CURRENT/amd64.
> Can I recommend jails to you? I compile ports in a jail. When everything went through, I move this outside and install it. If something does not compile, I keep normally the old ports tree.

poudriere + pkgng is especially nice for that kind of things :-)

>> At the moment, this mess is introduced with a new PNG library. And we
>> are updating on "life" machines, that means, they are not freshly
> Have fun with it. I have a running FreeBSD and will not touch the ports tree before this all has settled.

I didn't have any special trouble switching my "production" boxes
(mostly website hosting, and backup handling) to pkgng.
What kind of trouble did you run into ?

> [...]
>> Well, one may argue with me about "server" and "desktop". Comparing
>> Linux (several distros) with FreeBSd and Windows makes the limited
>> adavntages of FreeBSD getting rendered neglegible. We need PowerPoint or
>> a similar office product for presentations, I'm getting strangled by
>> students when using LaTeX and "beamer" or "PowerDot". The pressure from
>> the Windows world is large.

Why would students need to edit your presentations ?
For viewing, they shouldn't care about what generated the pdf/ps/dvi/whatever.

By the way, here, students are more likely to strangle you for not
using *TeX/Beamer.

> Just for the fun. If you get Microsoft-Formats from a client and send it then back to the same client but in a different department, it is not sure that they can read their 'own' files.

Had the problem once : I got sent paperwork, filled it, and send it to
another department, which didn't have a recent enough version of M$
Office, so they were unable to read docx files.


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