kernel: panic: softdep_sync_buf: Unknown type jnewblk

Doug Barton dougb at
Fri Jan 27 01:32:07 UTC 2012

On 01/26/2012 16:40, António Trindade wrote:
> Cheers.
> I recently updated my system to FreeBSD-9.0 and activated softupdate journaling for a number of file systems (name /home, /var, /usr).
> Since then I have been experiencing kernel panics:
> kernel: panic: softdep_sync_buf: Unknown type jnewblk
> Yesterday, Jan 26th, I got 6 (six) automatic reboots due to these kernel panics.
> I have now disabled softupdates journaling in the hope that the panics disappear.
> I am sorry for not providing more information about the panic, but I'll gladly try to gather more info if instructed how to.

Make sure that dumpdev is defined in rc.conf. Usually you want to use
your swap device.

You should also boot into single user mode and do 'fsck -y' to make sure
that the file systems are actually clean. There have been problems
reported where SU+J doesn't recover fully after a crash, which leads to
the kinds of instability you're reporting.




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