Can't boot 9.0-RELEASE on sparc64

C. P. Ghost cpghost at
Mon Jan 16 23:55:01 UTC 2012

On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:07 PM, Kurt Lidl < at> wrote:
> I noted that booting off a cdrom image was broken for the 9.0-RC3 images
> as well:
> There was no followup.
> I've since managed to netboot that machine from the 9.0 release, and get a
> 9.0-STABLE world built and installed onto it.

I've managed to source upgrade from 8.2 to 9.0 as well,
and found that the 9.0 kernel (/dev/cd0) silently corrupts
data when reading from CDROM, while the 8.2 kernel
(/dev/acd0) didn't.

Not being able to install 9.0 from CDROM is just a
consequence of this bug in 9.0's /dev/cd0. There's
probably some bug(s) lurking there, that is(are) only
triggered on big endian machines.

> -Kurt


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