FreeBSD 9 & recompile ports

Kostik Belousov kostikbel at
Fri Jan 13 14:18:36 UTC 2012

On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 04:11:22PM +0200, Andriy Gapon wrote:
> on 13/01/2012 14:57 George Kontostanos said the following:
> > Still the question remains regarding COMPAT_FREEBSD8 and how does this
> > affects ports/misc/compat8x/
> Looks like all the previous hints have not been clear enough.
> There is no direct relation between COMPAT_FREEBSD8 and misc/compat8x.
> COMPAT_FREEBSD<X> options are only needed when going from release X to release X+1
> there was a change to an existing system call at the kernel-userland boundary.
> A side note: kernel options affect only what's in the kernel, quite obviously.
> misc/compat<X>x contains versions of shared libraries from release X that are no
> longer present in X+1.

Additional twist is that not every change at the kernel/usermode boundary
is covered with backward-compatibility shims. Recent example is the CAM
ABI change, which makes from the compat8x useless.
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