Performance problems with pagedaemon

Victor Balada Diaz victor at
Mon Jan 2 12:41:54 UTC 2012


First: Happy new year to everybody!

Last year i had a problem with pagedaemon that i reported here[1] but i had
no replies. The problem went away and now it's back to beat me again.

Seems that mysql creates some bad interactions with pagedaemon and system starts
to get slow for disk access. Eg, accessing a man page takes a few seconds. If
i stop mysql and start it again, it recovers again. As this is a problem that have
appeared just twice (on October and now), it's not easy to reproduce and test.

Disk I/O as per gstat is not high, not many context switches, etc. Bottleneck
seems to be CPU. I've reported more information on october's mail[1].

What can i do to debug it? Seems that maybe the most interesting thing would be
enabling lock profiling and wait for the system to fail again, but is there anything
that i can do/report that would be helpful to track the problem down now that's

Thanks a lot.

La prueba más fehaciente de que existe vida inteligente en otros
planetas, es que no han intentado contactar con nosotros. 

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