bsdtar 9.0-RC2 --exclude regression

Jan Mikkelsen janm at
Thu Nov 24 05:23:04 UTC 2011


The --exclude option seems to have broken in 9.0-RC2.

I see this behaviour on 9.0-RC2:

$ mkdir dir1 dir2
$ touch dir1/a
$ touch dir2/dir1
$ bsdtar -c -f - --exclude './dir1/*' . | bsdtar tf -

And on 8.2-RELEASE (as expected):

$ mkdir dir1 dir2
$ touch dir1/a
$ touch dir2/dir1
$ bsdtar -c -f - --exclude './dir1/*' . | bsdtar tf -

There are two issues here:

Excluding './dirname/*' excludes the directory 'dirname', not just the contents of the directory.

Excluding './dirname/*' excludes every file called 'dirname', regardless of where the name is in the hierarchy.

I'm assuming this is a bug, and not some intended change in behaviour.


Jan Mikkelsen

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