MPS driver: force bus rescan after remove SAS cable

Rumen Telbizov telbizov at
Fri Apr 29 02:51:19 UTC 2011


> I don't mean to sound critical, but why do you guys do this?  The reason
> I ask: on actual production filers (read: NetApps), you don't go yanking
> out the FC cable between the HBA and the NA and expect everything to "be
> happy" afterwards.  Most SAN administrators tend to reboot an appliance
> when doing this kind of work -- because this kind of work is considered
> maintenance.

I have just realized that I didn't respond with what I intended to. Sorry
about that.
What I meant to add to the discussion yesterday was that ejecting a single
and plugging it back in does not cause (at least in my case) the block
device to
re-appear again. I haven't tried unplugging the whole cable/backplane.
Don't see the point indeed.

> I understand what you folks are reporting is a problem.  I'm just
> wondering why you're complaining about having to reboot a machine with
> an HBA in it after doing this kind of *physical* cabling work.  My
> immediate thought is "I'm really not surprised".  I guess some other
> people *are* surprised.  :-)

Again I missed the point and didn't respond properly.

> > Also identify function doesn't work from the OS (no problem
> > via the card BIOS). Don't remember having any luck with sg3_util
> > package either but worth trying again.
> I don't use SAS myself, but wouldn't the command be "inquiry" and not
> "identify"?  "identify" is for ATA (specifically SATA via CAM), while
> "inquiry" is for SCSI.  Where SAS fits into this is unknown to me.

Well I have SATA disks visible as /dev/da* . From camcontrol(8):

     inquiry     Send a SCSI inquiry command (0x12) to a device.  By
                 camcontrol will print out the standard inquiry data, device
                 serial number, and transfer rate information.  The user can
                 specify that only certain types of inquiry data be printed:


# camcontrol inquiry /dev/da47
pass48: <ATA WDC WD2003FYYS-0 0D02> Fixed Direct Access SCSI-5 device
pass48: Serial Number      WD-WMAUR0408496
pass48: 300.000MB/s transfers, Command Queueing Enabled

It's a SATA disk in this case attached to SAS/SATA backplane and SAS2008 HBA
chip (9211-8i)
What I need is a way to light on the fault led on the disk that I want to
identify (point to)
This is usually what I need when I send a DC technician to replace a disk.
For which I though I should
be using:

     identify    Send a ATA identify command (0xec) to a device.

>From my experience SAS or SATA disks - I always get those as /dev/da* disks.
It's a combo controller and backplane.
So which is the correct way of identifying a disk?

> On a related note: recently LSI released version 9.0 of their firmware
> > for SAS2008 and I found it fixes certain performance problems with
> > SuperMicro backplanes!
> In another thread, or a PR, if you could provide those technical details
> that would be beneficial.  There are a very large number of FreeBSD
> users who use Supermicro server-class hardware, and I'm certain they
> would be interested in a full disclosure.

What I meant was that it fixes problems not specific to FreeBSD.
I don't have much more to add and don't think that a separate thread is
required for this here (since it's not directly FreeBSD specific) but in a
the issue that I was experiencing was that when I connect a 9211-8i to a
6Gbit/s SAS expander the performance/bandwidth was terrible and I couldn't
get more than 200 MB/s of off the disk array in sequential access even
when the disks were in a simple raid0 setup. With the release of version 9.0
everything is pretty good and am able to achieve gigabyte speeds in
sequential access.
Another bug they fixed which wasn't too bad but still ... is that each lane
in a multilane cable (8087) to the backplane was reported as a separate
connection so all the disks were visible 4 times (via 4 different expanders)
even though there's only 1 multilane cable connected to 1 backplane.
Again both those are fixed in 9.0.

I hope this helps.

Rumen Telbizov

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