nfsv4_server_enable="YES": link_elf: symbol svcpool_destroy undefined

Rick Macklem rmacklem at
Sun Jun 13 01:52:17 UTC 2010

On Sun, 13 Jun 2010, Dmitry Pryanishnikov wrote:

> Hello!
>  I'm trying to start the experimental NFSv4 server in RELENG_8 w/o
> building it into the kernel, as nfsv4(4) suggests:
> ... or start mountd(8) and nfsd(8) with the ``-e'' option to force use of the
>     experimental server.  The nfsuserd(8) daemon must also be running.  This
>     will occur if
>           nfs_server_enable="YES"
>           nfsv4_server_enable="YES"
>           nfsuserd_enable="YES"
>     are set in rc.conf(5).
> However, mountd fails to start nfsd; the same problem exists when
> doing it by hands: "kldload nfsd" gives
> kernel: link_elf: symbol svcpool_destroy undefined
> error. Can this problem be solved w/o building kernel with "options NFSD"?
Well, if you build a kernel with any of the options that cause "krpc"
to be compiled into the kernel, it works. (I usually test with a GENERIC
kernel that has NFSCLIENT and NFSSERVER defined in it, so nfsd.ko loads

Basically "nfsd" is defined as dependent on "nfscommon", then
"nfscommon" is defined as dependent on "krpc" and "nfssvc". This
gets everthing to load, but when it tries to load "nfsd.ko", it
can't find the symbols in "krpc.ko" or "nfssvc.ko" if they weren't
linked into the kernel.

For example, here's what I saw:
nfsv4-laptop# kldstat
Id Refs Address    Size     Name
  1   12 0xc0400000 d1f338   kernel
  4    1 0xc2eff000 1e000    nfsclient.ko
  5    1 0xc2ea9000 2000     nfs_common.ko
  6    2 0xc2f1d000 15000    krpc.ko
11    1 0xc2fe3000 16000    nfscommon.ko
12    1 0xc2fc5000 2000     nfssvc.ko
nfsv4-laptop# nm /boot/nkernel/krpc.ko | fgrep svcpool
0000cdf0 t svcpool_active
0000de40 t svcpool_create
0000e590 t svcpool_destroy
0000e1d0 t svcpool_maxthread_sysctl
0000e2b0 t svcpool_minthread_sysctl

and "nfsd" wouldn't load because it couldn't find "svcpool_destroy",
just like you saw.

If you apply this patch and rebuild the module, it will find the
symbols. (Is that what is supposed to happen or is something broken?)

--- fs/nfsserver/nfs_nfsdport.c.sav	2010-06-12 20:27:53.000000000 -0400
+++ fs/nfsserver/nfs_nfsdport.c	2010-06-12 20:37:09.000000000 -0400
@@ -3147,4 +3147,6 @@
  MODULE_VERSION(nfsd, 1);
  MODULE_DEPEND(nfsd, nfscommon, 1, 1, 1);
  MODULE_DEPEND(nfsd, nfslockd, 1, 1, 1);
+MODULE_DEPEND(nfsd, krpc, 1, 1, 1);
+MODULE_DEPEND(nfsd, nfssvc, 1, 1, 1);

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