Booting after make installworld takes ages [Was Re: Can't boot after make installworld]

Krzysztof Dajka alteriks at
Tue Jun 8 19:28:39 UTC 2010

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Krzysztof Dajka
<Krzysztof.Dajka at>wrote:

> On Sunday, 21 of March 2010 20:15:29 Krzysztof Dajka wrote:
> > Hi, I'm having problem with upgrading my FreeBSD to RELENG_8.  Building
> > world and kernel went smoothly I can boot with new kernel, but after
> 'make
> > installworld' I could boot my system. My system prints only:
> > BTX loader 1.00 BTX version is 1.01
> > Console: internal video/keyboard
> > BIOS drive C: is disk0
> > BIOS drive D: is disk1
> > BIOS drive E: is disk2
> > BIOS drive F: is disk3
> > |
> > And freezes...
> >
> I had a problem in march with booting after 'makeinstall' as stated above.
> It seems that I was impatient prejudged facts.
> For few months I was running newer kernel than world. After all I decided
>  to upgrade whole system yesterday. After 'make
> installkernel', booting to new kernel went as usual. After 'make
> installworld' and rebooting  it hangs at:
> > BIOS drive C: is disk0
> > BIOS drive D: is disk1
> > BIOS drive E: is disk2
> > BIOS drive F: is disk3
> > |
> After waiting 50 seconds it started booting. During this time my  usb flash
> drive, which contains only bootcode blinked as
> crazy. I remembered that Dan Naumov told me
> > The ZFS bootloader has been changed in 8-STABLE compared to
> > 8.0-RELEASE. Reinstall your boot blocks.
> So this time I did:
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 da0
> But this didn't help, booting is still painfully slow.
> --

 I have done few test and narrowed problem to probing usb devices. I have
taken following steps:

1) I prepared installed bootcode to 3 devices
- 512MB Kingston flash drive
- 32MB SD Card
- 1MB file (created with dd, mounted with mdconfig, added gpt partition and
freebsd-boot slice) booted over pxe
2) All devices had newest bootcode, booting from every device was terrible
slow, but sd card was significantly slower than others.
3) I played with my zpool
# zpool offline zroot gpt/disk2
4) reboot
5) I booted with every device. Booting from both devices connected to usb
bus, was slow. Booting over pxe from 1MB 'drive' with bootcode was very fast
as it should be.
6) Booting over pxe with any device attached to usb bus was again slow!
7) I did:
#zpool online  zroot gpt/disk2
And rebooted over pxe. Still fast. I noticed that /boot/zfs/zpool.cache was
updated after puting offline gpt/disk2, but I can't remember if it was
updated after upgrading kernel and world.

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